Deze kast was ook een kringloopvondst en we hebben hem wit geschilderd. Alle houten meubels worden wit, behalve de oude eettafel met de verweerde look.
This was also a thrift store find and we decided to paint it white. All wood stuff will be white except for the old weathered wood dining table.

Here you can see the board I made with all kinds of creative fun stuff, but we still need to drill some holes in our walls to put it up. I'll show you more later.

4 opmerkingen:
wow!!! it all looks amazing marcia!
it's such a wonderful feeling to bring something old back to life for your home isn't it?
keep up the wonderful work and please keep sharing :)
Yep de kringloop winkel is the best. Mika (
HOE LEUKIG!!! Goed bezig! ik pik weer wat ideetjes op, hihi! ;-)
Je stoeltje ziet er zo leuk uit! Ik ben er echt jaloers op :) Leuke blog!
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